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Lever de soleil sur le champ de blé

Cyril Meyre IHP
Integrated Helath Practitioner
Your Health Coach


What is Health Coaching, why?

After several years of practice, I realized that when problems remain and are chronic, it is necessary to consider not only the physical body but also the psychological body (the mind), in order to complete a success or increase the results of your condition.

Here, with the notion of coaching, I bring you into a framework of trust and respect, with the aim of helping you understand the origins of certain dysfunctions, patterns, habits and harmful behaviors. This tool will allow you to go 'over', to lead you on the path to well-being...

Very often the origin of health problems and behaviors comes from past events that our consciousness hides and transfers to our unconscious. The goal is to understand present behavior and to free oneself. Understand our way of being, understand our harmful behaviors. Allow yourself to deprogram certain fears or rather harmful habits, to somehow reprogram new states of thought less imbued with these possible wounds of the past and which will consequently release the negative effects on yourself (and those around you)... and which will consequently have a positive impact on health.

Coaching therapy is short and the benefits are felt quickly, even after the first session. A path to the unconscious to change, reprogram and reorganize our modes of thinking and functioning. In particular... - A state of relaxation, relaxation allowing us to establish contact with our subconscious and unconscious - Deliverance from harmful habits - The beneficial effects are felt after the first session - Improves productivity - Reduces absenteeism - Reinterpretation/reprogramming of your beliefs and vision of things - Makes it easy to focus your attention - Allows you to relax the physical body, bypass the critical factor of the mind and use other levels of consciousness. The combination of naturopathic techniques and coaching allows you to move forward more quickly...


Looking forward to helping you,



The power of words, of suggestions

E F T 
Emotional Freedom Technique
Also known as

Cyril Meyre IHP 

Integrated Helath Practitioner - Coaching - Iridology

Your Health Coach


More than 20 yrs of experience

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