Holistic Vision
The goal of holistic approach is to help you, through the application of natural health factors, to support physiological functions and strengthen the body's defenses, to regain energy and overall well-being,
through body and mind.
In holistic approach, we have the ability to act on the symptoms in order to relieve you and the ultimate goal obviously is to reach the cause which triggers the uncomfortable symptoms and to rectify this situation.
Acting as much as possible on the origin of the problem is the priority objective to aim for.
I make a detailed assessment of your condition, affecting all areas of your life and a review of your diet and I propose specific adjustments that correspond to your state of health and needs.
In addition to providing nutritional support adapted to your constitution and activities, we seek to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body.
It is also possible to work in cases of chronic and acute illnesses, in a unique way or in addition to other ongoing treatments.
There is an important part of prevention, a primordial aspect.
To complete his recommendations, i uses vitamins, minerals, herbal medicine, homeopathy, essential oils and other natural health products in order to compensate for certain deficiencies that are more difficult to fill or for the treatment of a specific health condition. Indeed, many natural health products, or supplements, can have a beneficial impact on a set of health conditions.
Here in Quebec, there is no provincial government regulation to date, unlike in other Canadian provinces and the United States (health in Canada is a provincial jurisdiction and not a federal one).
Here is the list of Canadian provinces and American states that have legislation on natural medecine - Canada : British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and soon Nova Scotia. United States : Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, North Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas, Vermont, Maine, New Hamsphire, Connecticut, Maryland).
We hope that Quebec will follow...
Looking forward to helping you,

Protocol adapted to your constitution and needs,
body and mind
Realistic global approach according to your path
NOTE: Follow the recommendations of your health care professional and continue to take your medication.
These techniques do not replace a medical assessment, but allow IHP to better identify your needs and personalize your holistic program according to the analyses and medication already taken.