This is iris reading
This is the identification of your land
This method has been around for about 150 years in our modern world. Although the oldest document that refers to iridology dates back to the Old Testament. Even before, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, already said: “As are the eyes, so is the body”
Before undertaking a holistic approach, it is important to perfectly understand your terrain and possible and present weaknesses.
Iridology allows you to have this overview and, based on the results of the iridological assessment, to set up a program adapted to your needs.
An iridology assessment must be an integral part of a consultation in order to be sure to respond as best as possible to the health approach.
It allows us to provide clues and therapeutic guidance, sometimes unsuspected!
Iridology is a technique used in complementary medicine by practiotioner.
Iridology is the observation of the iris in which you find the different parts of the body and organs which give clues about the state of the person and the therapeutic directions to take in the short and long term.
The technique allows health practitioner to see each person’s strengths and weaknesses. A bit like DNA. Obviously, it's not as precise as a DNA test, but iridology is a way to get us to correct the foundation more precisely based on the observations collected and the reason for your visit.
This technique gives therapists the necessary tools to orient themselves on the choice of the holistic recommandations to take, on the organs or parts of the body which need it the most according to priorities.
Constitution is an individual’s ability to react which conditions their performance and power of adaptation.
Joseph Tétau explains it to us this way:
- We will say that the foundation is the living organism considered as a complete system in which anatomy, morphology, physiological functioning, psyche, hereditary and acquired antecedents present themselves essentially as the analytical aspects of an indivisible whole.
Julian and Haffen, two homeopathic medical doctors, explain it to us like this:
- Human beings are terrestrial creatures. The expression of our life is a specific manifestation on our planet. It is linked to the solar system without which no biological manifestation could take place. Terrestrial life is a mode of expression of matter as the outcome of a long chemical process of movement and change between earth, water and air.
- The terrain can be considered as a biological and/or pathological structural ensemble.
- The terrain is a modality of existence of the living, it is moving and not fixed, it is dialectical and not static.
Looking forward to helping you,